Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA) nationally is a collaborative K-16 STEM effort across 10 states working towards equity and increased access to high quality STEM education and training for underrepresented students.
The MESA program was founded at Oakland Technical High School in 1970 with 25 students. MESA’s goal was to develop academic and leadership skills, raise educational expectations, and instill confidence in California’s students historically underrepresented in engineering, physical science, or other math-based fields, in order to increase the number of African American, Latino American and American Indian graduates from a four-year university
Since then, MESA has grown to become nationally recognized for its innovative and effective academic development programs. MESA engages thousands of educationally disadvantaged students in a multipronged approach to help them develop skills that will help them move forward on their educational pathways and toward undergraduate and graduate degrees in STEM fields. MESA has a proven track record with over 40 years in producing math-based graduates by providing support such as classes, hands-on competitions, counseling, transfer support and a community environment to students from middle school through four-year college.
Much of MESA’s success arises from its ability to engage with partners in K-12, higher education, and STEM industries. These partners provide access, knowledge, time, talent, and financial support to ensure MESA is providing the most relevant and accessible program possible. For more, visit MESA USA.
MESA’s Programs
MESA Schools Program – The MESA Schools Program is a K-12 competitive STEM program offered after school in nine states. The program provides teacher training, academic tutoring, internships, field trips and pre-college pathways into STEM college programs. The MSP is hosted by an established state office (district, community college, university, or non-profit) that oversees the day to day operations of the program. Each approved host is expected to serve 50% or more students who are either 1) underrepresented in STEM careers (including girls of all backgrounds), or 2) attend economically disadvantaged schools.
MESA Community College Program – The MESA Community College Program provides high school graduates with transitional support as they enter college. 70% of MCCP students are underrepresented minority or first-generation college students. MCCP students receive leadership training, tutoring, mentoring, academic counseling and recognition events to inspire success.
MESA Engineering Program – The MESA Engineering Program offers retention support for first year students who directly enter a 4-year engineering program. Students identified as “at risk” because they lack strong math skills, or who are not familiar with engineering disciplines receive mentoring, academic tutoring, work study and additional services before, during and after admission to their engineering college. MEP is funded through grants, tuition revenue and donations.
MESA Quick Facts
- 10 states
- 49,000 K-14 students
- 1100+ Teachers
- 350+ School Districts
- More than 50 years of providing pathways to STEM for underserved students