See The Sea: an interactive water table designed to assist and entertain children with visual impairments
PROJECT GOAL: The inequity addressed by Sea the Sea is insufficient resources for kids with disabilities. Our project is specifically directed towards young children with visual impairments. Those with disabilities often face inequalities and insufficient services in the world and in healthcare. With this in mind, the UN Sustainable Development Goals addressed are reduced inequalities (#10) and good health and well-being (#3).
Our solution, See the Sea, is an interactive water table that allows Z to meet his therapy goals and addresses inequities facing children with visual impairment. The water table stimulates several senses. For example, the water pad atop the consul is texturally pleasing and engages Z’s sense of touch. The consul includes buttons that if pressed, play music to engage Z’s sense of hearing. Additionally, if pushed, the buttons turn on different colored lights under the water pouch to engage Z’s limited sense of sight. The lights are placed in
the corners of the water table to encourage Z to use his peripheral vision. Through pushing the buttons and seeing their corresponding lights, Z can learn cause and effect. Also, when a special button on the center of the consul is pushed, two other buttons are engaged, allowing Z to practice decision making by choosing one of the two engaged buttons.