Maryland 2022

Mt. Hebron HS

Ellicott City, MD


PROJECT GOAL: HEART, the Harassment Escape and Assault Rescue Tracker is designed to help individuals feel safe while reducing the frequency of sexual assault. Our goal is to make sure people can walk out of their homes feeling safe and out of harm's way with HEART at their side.

Gender inequity impacts women’s safety and is a prominent issue that needs to be addressed. According to the anti-sexual assault organization called RAINN, “Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape or sexual assault”. Since teenage females are the most commonly assaulted demographic, they are the target audience for HEART. Experiencing sexual assault can lead to many other problems like fear responses, PTSD, depression, and disrupted relationships with other people. HEART will address this issue of inequity by making sure everyone has access to a source of security despite their gender.

Venya Karri, Harini Devireddy, Pooja Dahiwadkar, Srinidhi Akellapopup

TEAM MEMBERS: Venya Karri, Harini Devireddy, Pooja Dahiwadkar, Srinidhi Akella

TEAM ADVISOR(S): Jim Gundlach

MESA Community Based Team - TechnoStar

Ellicott City, MD

2nd Overall

Vital Vow: A promise to your health.

PROJECT GOAL: Our project intends to assist elderly individuals, individuals who cannot secure health care, and also the health care system with vital measurements during the ongoing pandemic situation. Hospitals are currently advising that individuals check their vitals at home due to full and/or unsafe hospital conditions.

The individuals that will benefit from our project are the elderly, low-income families, and individuals who cannot procure health care due to other reasons. These individuals don’t get the equality they deserve because they cannot afford or visit a hospital due to hospital crowding or the risk that it would pose in certain populations. We have to address this impending health issue and come up with a solution that would benefit the individuals and the hospitals. This device will help those individuals in need of checking, logging and tracking their health vitals and stay aware of their health.

Pavithraa Saravanan, Neha Parepallypopup

TEAM MEMBERS: Pavithraa Saravanan, Neha Parepally

TEAM ADVISOR(S): Saravanan Sanmugavel, Haritha Mandula

Dwight Carr, Maryland 2022 MESA Director | Amanda Fabian, Rules Committee | State Website

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