WildEye: A Non-Lethal Coyote Deterrent Device
PROJECT GOAL: Our proposed solution addresses the technological inequity that local Tri-Cities farmers face in protecting their livestock from predators. Initially, we chose this inequity because members of our team have personal ties to ranchers affected by livestock predation. The targeted user we intend to aid is the often-underrepresented backbone of our area, ranchers. Our prototype addresses this inequity by providing an automated solution to coyote deterrence, closing the technological gap that many farmers experience while also addressing the UNSDG Target goal-Life on Land (15.5) by providing alternative ways to deter predators instead of other standard yet lethal methods.
Our proposed solution is a waterproof, durable, portable deterrent device, featuring an application that allows ranchers to freely check their property anywhere and anytime. The primary functions include a motion sensor that when triggered, blares a loud sound through two speakers and flashes a bright LED. Our device also features an ESP32 camera that sends 24/7-access live footage to our app through the camera’s web server. The main features of the app include a live feed, weather forecast of a specifically selected area, local agriculture news, and a highlight reel. These functions meet the project goals by ensuring convenient ways to access footage while using effective defenses along with a device that works efficiently. This solution also meets the users’ needs by providing live footage that is easily accessible with additional resources to reduce the stress of managing their livestock. The inequity is addressed through the automation of the device, as local farmers won’t have to worry about deterring the coyotes themselves. By implementing built-in, non-invasive defenses into the prototype, farmers can opt for non-lethal methods of warding off coyotes while reducing the burden on the farmer to deter the coyote themselves.